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We use so-called device identifiers or cookies (cookies) to adapt content and advertisements to you as a user, provide social media functions and analyze our traffic to be even better. We use cookies for marketing, statistics and user-specific settings to create a better experience for you. Here you can both save your cookies and eat them!

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These cookies are used to give you a more personalized experience on our website and to remember choices you make when using our website.

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Tracking cookies
These cookies are used to collect information to analyze traffic to our website and how visitors use our website.

For example, these cookies can track things like how long you spend on the site or the pages you visit, which helps us understand how we can improve our site for you.

The information collected through these tracking and performance cookies does not identify any individual visitor.
Targeting and advertising cookies
These cookies are used to display advertising that is likely to be of interest to you based on your browsing habits.

These cookies, served by our content and/or advertising providers, may combine information they have collected from our website with other information they have independently collected about your browser's activities across their network of websites.

If you choose to remove or disable these targeting or advertising cookies, you will still see advertisements but they may not be relevant to you.

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's experience more efficient.

The team says that we may store cookies on your device if they are absolutely necessary to use this website. For all other purposes, your consent is required.

This website uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third-party services that appear on our pages, for example Youtube and Spotify.

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"Funnier than me in a second language" 
-Doug Stanhope

"Anarkisthumoristen som biter mest og oftest, og fillerister politikere, religioner og autoriteter av alle slag" 


"Et glitrende lyspunkt på en ellers grå norsk stand-up himmel" 

"Dag Sørås er sunn for forstanden"

"En av landets fremste scenekomikere"
-Haugesund Avis

“Ren stand up magi”
-Avisa nordland

“Tankevekkende, men framfor alt ustyrtelig morsomt”

“En smart jævel”
-Harstad tidende

"Sørås is the master of the comedic simile, and deliciously appalling imagery...quite brilliant...laugh-out-loud funny" 
-The Scotsman

"His grim nihilism brings a crucial sense of authenticity to his dark attitude...plenty of brutally funny lines which could make him a quite a force in sick comedy" 
-Steve Bennett, Chortle UK




Stian Morten Pettersen
922 35 904